SciFi Mama

Adventures in raising a geeky child

What a day! September 18, 2013

Filed under: Mommy — scifimama @ 9:08 pm

Tuesday was just not my day. It kinda felt like Monday’s evil twin. It was worse than Monday and just really treated my like crap. Paige and I have been butting heads lately. She’s developed an attitude and doesn’t like to listen very well.

After having a harsh day Monday, we did some running on Tuesday. Work was stressful, leave work, get Paige, rush home and eat dinner. We had open house at her school. Finally, get home and showered and tucked Paige into bed.

Then it happened. I sat down on the couch to get some work done. Spent a good bit of time carefully marking revisions and things to check on my paperwork. I grab it all and head to my laptop. And there it was. Or, there it wasn’t. My laptop had a funky screen, so I tried to restart. And it didn’t. It didn’t restart. My wonderful, 7 year old MacBook Pro had died. Yes, I realize that’s ancient in laptop years. But it’s a Mac! And I loved it.

I had to go out and purchase a new laptop. A new MacBook wasn’t in the budget, so I got a new Toshiba. It’s a nice computer, but it’s Windows 8. I’m still trying to figure it out. Thanks to a bit of help I now know how to get a normal screen. That’s a start. It can only improve from there.

And most importantly, we can Skype with Daddy while he travels, and I can work from home.


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